In Montengro, apart from me Alexey Nikolayevich had another adult student. A big admirer of soviet cinematography and devotee of chatting, he periodically diluted the working mood by quoting movies’ heroes. Due to his love of communication and reflection he often unconsciously tortured us with a vast amount of strange, sometimes rhetorical questions. Because of our characters’ nature we tried to answer them and pondered over each of them. This twisted us in the endless reflections about the hard destiny of artists’ secrets which helped the greatest to paint their masterpieces, and what motivated the artists to paint their artwork, and why some pieces were painted with such dark colors, and so on and so forth.
It greatly tired us out, considering that Alexey Nikolaevich’s thoughts were focused on how to manage to paint the study and mine were focused on how to manage to learn something and paint the study. After many hours of work accompanied by the reasoning and questions of our companion, we ceased to pay attention to them. And when the studies were finished our friend asked: “Danya, will you tell me what this spot here on your work means?” and pointed to a spot that was slightly different in size from the other spots forming the mountain. “This is color!!!” broke down Alexey Nikolayevich, and he was absolutely right!